In a food web the role of a herbivore is the top. So that means that the herbivore is the main animal and that carnivores and some omnivores eat them when they are dead. Some other herbivores that are an elephant, a hippopotamus and many other plant eaters.



Description: Moose are brown and most of them have horns.
Habitat: They live near swamps, streams or ponds. They also live where there are lots of trees.
Diet: They eat aquatic water plants, woody plants ,twigs and bark of willow 
Predators: grizzly bears


White Tail Deer 
Description: This deer has a little bit of white under the tail.
Habitat: They live in wooded and forestry areas.
Diet: They eat corn, acorns, nuts, buds and plants.
Predators: bob cats and grizzly bears




The bison
Description: The bison is big and is a brown chestnut color.
Habitat: They live in  the plains and river valleys.
Diet: They eat grass, berries and lichens.
Predators: humans kill them

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