These two animals are scavengers, that means they eat real food but also dead animals. These are secondary consumers because they are animals and they eat other animals.




Description: Cockroaches have flattened bodies that  make it easy for them to crawl into small spaces. Long antennae on the front of their heads help them feel their way around.
Habitat: They are adapted to live in almost any environment and have been on earth longer than any other winged insect, over 340 million years.
Diet: Cockroaches are scavengers that eat all kinds of materials including paper, clothing and dead animals and plants.


Description: The opossum is about the size of a large house cat.  It has a triangular head and long pointed noses.  It has grayish fur everywhere but on its ears, feet and tail. Its tail is prehensile. A prehensile tail is adapted for grasping and wrapping around things like tree limbs.
Habitat: The opossum lives in a wide-variety of habitats including deciduous forests, open woods, and farmland. It tends to prefer wet areas like marshes, swamps, and streams.
Diet: It eats just about anything, including lots of different plants and animals like fruits, insects, and other small animals. Sometimes it eats garbage and carrion. Carrion is dead animals. Because so much carrion is road kill, opossums are often killed by cars while looking for food on roadways.




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