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Presented by: Alisha and Layton 
South America:
Countries that are in South America are the following: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela. That is a lot of countries! The surrounding oceans of South America are the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean. The rivers and the mountains are mostly located in the western and the northern areas of South America. Including the Amazon River and the Rocky Mountains. There are many cultures that we will tell you about and give you a short description too. The Abipon culture has many indigenous people of South America. They live by the lower Berimejo River area in Argentine Gran Chaco. The Amahuaca culture is located in tropical jungles of Peru. Their language is a Ponoan speaking culture. The Arawak culture is located by eastern slopes of the Andes Mountains and the Amazon River. The Aymara culture raises sheep, llamas, cattle, and alpacas. The Carib culture lived by the South America coast. The Cayua culture lives in southwestern Brazil. The Goajiro culture is a tribe that is described as a social group and they speak Arawaken. The Inca culture is located in Andean, South America and is known for taking over their neighboring kingdoms. The Jivero culture lives in the jungles of Ecuador. The Mapuche culture lives in Southern Chile and Argentina. The Moche culture is located by Coastal Peru. The Mundurulcu culture is located near the Tapajos River in the state of Para. The Omagua culture became extinct from slave raids, diseases, and missionization. The Quechua culture has llameras to take care of the llamas. The Saraguro culture lives in the Andean highlands of southern Ecuador. The Sharanahua culture is located along the upper Envira River. The Tehuelche culture is located in the lower tip of South America. The Tupinamba culture in located in the middle of the Atlantic region of Brazil. The Wari culture has cities made of large buildings. Finally, the Yanomamo culture is found in the Amazon rainforests of Brazil and Venezuela. 

The Amazon Rainforest:

The Amazon Rainforest is located in these countries: Brazil, Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, Guiana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. The size of the Amazon Rainforest is about 1.5 million square miles. That is about half the size of the United States! The Amazon Rainforest is famous for all of the oxygen from all of the producers. There are also tons of different species and some probably haven't even been discovered yet! The Amazon Rainforest has been being destroyed for many years. And if it keeps going the way that it is, by 2020, only 5 percent will survive from all of the desruction.

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